Work with Me

And Become your Boldest Self

Get the support you need at the level you desire. My thoughtfully designed services range from once off power sessions to bespoke 6 week or 12 week programmes for every level of support needed. Whether you just need a little bit of guidance on the best diet for you to reduce bloating, attain glowing skin and receive personalised herbal remedies, or if you need more hands on support to deal with long standing issues that have you confused and spinning, I have just the thing for you! Transform your health and walk away empowered & revitalised with a new lease on life and a new love for your healthy body and mind.

I’m passionate about helping my clients resolve their stomach problems, heal their skin and balance their hormones naturally and effectively. It brings me so much joy to support you on your journey of healing and see the transformation at the end. To see my clients happy and healthy and buzzing with the results they have achieved just lights me up!

Get the support you need

Holistic Health Consultation

This is for you if you want a once off in depth consultation with some follow up appointments when needed

Transformation Programme

This is for you if you want an all inclusive package with on-going support for 12 weeks.

Herbal Remedy Consultation

This is for you if you would like to try
a herbal tonic personalised for you
to treat a simple health concern naturally.

Bia Beo Detox Programme

This is for you if you want to follow a 6 week cleanse with check in calls for guidance and support, and personalised herbal remedies.

This is for you if you want to find out what foods are causing you problems at the moment and have a full consultation
and be given a plan to follow.

BiaBeo Organic Herbal Tea

This is for you if you love herbal tea! My organic herbal tea blends are my joy! This has been a passion project of mine over the years. I was looking to create blends that not only provided medicinal benefit but also tasted great!

Gut Health Nutritionist & Herbalist, located in Dublin, Ireland. Online Appointments

Detox Programs | Gut Healing

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