Hi, I'm Rachael Jordan

Nice to meet you

Bia Beo = Food of Life

I have supported clients with terrible stomach problems, chronic skin issues, and hormonal imbalance for over a decade.

I’m obsessed with helping my clients achieve the transformation in their health they have been praying for. Stopping the IBS rollercoaster and gaining reliability, lifting the veil of inflammation on skin issues like acne & eczema, and balancing hormones to welcome a regular cycle free from pain. And my biggest obsession, supporting you to develop a deep connection with your body.

I have worked with countless amazing individuals to get their health and life back on track. I started to notice how supporting gut health had a profound effect on my clients improvement. This started my fascination with the gut, and paved the way for the development of my 5 step plan for improved gut health.

My holistic approach has proved successful time and time again, resolving persistent skin problems, chronic stomach issues and balancing hormones.


my values

I believe that everyone has the right to be connected with
their own body and to heal naturally.

My passion is helping people connect with their body
again and feel empowered to maintain their health.

I believe in the power of the human body to heal and the
medicine of plants and our food to support this healing.

My Journey so far


Happily pursuing my education & Career in photography. I love being creative, I've always loved making things. But I always felt drawn to natural remedies and natural approaches to healing.


I drastically changed my career path and commenced studies in holistic nutrition after my mind had been blown from a Detox seminar I went to. This coincided with a family member needing full time care at home, so it seemed like the perfect opportunity to start a home study course.


After nearly 4 years of study and training I set up my nutrition practice in Dublin 2, and called it Bia Beo, which is Irish for Food of Life. The name represents everything I wanted my business to be.

My Obsession with natural remedies and food as medicine was insatiable, I needed to know more


I started my journey to become a Herbalist. I studied with Nikki Darrel in her magical herbal school in Co. Cork. I remember feeling like I had just walked into Hogwarts that first day I arrived! Just magical, no other words.


My partner and I have always loved to travel and have adventures! We love experiencing other cultures and being immersed in the nature of our beautiful planet. I love learning about traditional remedies and cuisine wherever I go. And on this spectacular trip to Bali we got engaged! What a trip!!


At the end of 2016 I graduated from herbal school and became a registered Herbalist. I was so excited to fold in this amazing skill to my practice and enhance how I serve my clients.


True to ourselves my partner and I planned a destination wedding in Krakow, Poland! This was a city we both fell in love with when we first began our romantic relationship. And for our honeymoon, of course we travelled around Italy, France & Spain! Trip of a lifetime!


Keen to ensure a deep connection with the plants I had learned about and was working with I completed a herbal apprenticeship with my teacher and mentor Nikki Darrell in Co. Cork. This was pure heaven for me, it combined all my favourite things; being creative and making herbal preparations like creams and balms from scratch, time surrounded by nature and deepening my knowledge of the plants.


In 2019 my husband and I bought our house!! A dream come true!! My business was thriving, I opened up a second location in Dublin city. I remember thinking how blessed we were.


The pandemic hit, all plans were halted and we were in a global lock down! I remember feeling like it was the ultimate snow day, that just never ended! Who knew it was going to last 2 years! I moved my business online and began to pivot how I was connecting with my clients, I developed new ways of supporting my clients and it was working really well. Location was not a barrier anymore. It opened my eyes to a new way of running my practice.

I'm on a relentless quest for knowledge, fuelled by an insatiable drive to master my craft. My goal is to enhance my expertise to uplift more people seeking my guidance


During lock down I had the opportunity to increase my qualification in Nutritional Therapy to an Honours Degree. So back to study I went! This was a great challenge and pushed me out of my comfort zone, which is always a good thing. For my final project and dissertation I designed a study on the efficacy of mindful eating for the improvement of IBS symptoms. This is an area I am very passionate about, and it was exciting to be part of the ongoing research in this area.


In October 2022 I gave birth to my beautiful baby boy, just a few weeks after handing in my dissertation! I am at the beginning of this new adventure into Motherhood.


Starting my practice again after maternity leave & re-connecting with my clients and my passion for natural healing

Education & qualifications


Bachelor of Science with Honours in Nutritional Therapy                            Institute for Optimum nutrition, London in association with University of Portsmouth

The Plant Medicine School
Herbal apprenticeship

Colaiste Luibheanna
Diploma in Herbal Medicine

The Irish institute of Nutrition & Health
Clinical Training

kingdom College of Natural Health
diploma in Holistic Nutrition

Short Courses

Benjamin Brown
Nutritional Gastroenterology

Dr. Jason Hawrelek
Holistic Approach to SIBO

Institute for Optimum Nutrition, London
Natural Fertility Care

Green Path Herb School, USA
Natural Birth Control & Fertility Care


NTOI – Nutritional Therapists of Ireland

IRH – Irish Register of Herbalists

I can't wait to help you transform your health

What My Clients Say

Gut Health Nutritionist & Herbalist, located in Dublin, Ireland. Online Appointments

Detox Programs | Gut Healing

Copyright © 2023 · All Rights Reserved by Biabeo

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