
Pumpkin Soup Recipe

A delicious warming and nourishing meal for these colder, wetter months.

I like to make a huge batch to last us the week. I keep it quite thick so I can store it in a container in the fridge, then I just add more water to my portion when I’m heating it up.

I roasted the pumpkin for 20mins before adding it, this really enhances the flavour! 🙂



  • 1/2 a medium pumpkin roasted
  • 1 Bunch of kale roughly chopped
  • Handful fresh sage leaves chopped
  • 5 Cloves garlic grated
  • 2 Onions finely chopped
  • 3 Celery stalks finely chopped
  • 2 tsp vegetable bouillon
  • 1 cup red lentils
  • 2-3 Tbls organic rapeseed oil
  • Sea salt & black pepper


  • Over a medium heat sweat the onions
  • Add 1tsp sea salt & pepper
  • Add the garlic and stir, let it cook for a few mins while stirring
  • Add the celery & sage
  • Add the kale and stir it in for a few mins
  • Add the roasted pumpkin
  • Cover with water
  • Add the bouillon stock
  • Add the lentils (or cook separately and add)
  • Cover and simmer over medium heat until lentils are soft
  • Blend and add water as needed
  • Taste and season with salt & pepper as needed

I'm Rachael Jordan

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